Breast Cancer Screening in Hyderabad

Breast cancer is one of the kind, where the cancer cells are formed in the breast tissues. It is diagnosed as one of the most common diseases among the women. Breast cancer is a prevalent form of cancer primarily affecting women and individuals assigned female at birth (AFAB). It occurs when cancerous cells in the breast multiply, forming tumors. Approximately 80% of breast cancer cases are high, indicating that tumors can spread from the breast to other parts of the body. Although breast cancer predominantly impacts women aged 50 and older, it can also occur in younger women and AFAB individuals under 50. Additionally, men and individuals assigned male at birth (AMAB) can develop breast cancer.

The breast comprises three primary components: lobules, ducts, and connective tissue. Lobules are responsible for milk production, while ducts transport milk to the nipple. Connective tissue, composed of fibrous and fatty tissue, provides structural support. Breast cancer commonly originates in the ducts or lobules. It can spread beyond the breast via blood vessels and lymph vessels. When breast cancer spreads to distant areas of the body, it is termed metastasis.

Breast Cancer Screening in Hyderabad

There are different types of breast cancers. They are;

  1. Invasive Lobular Carcinoma (ILC): This type starts in the breast lobules and extends into nearby tissue.
  2. Invasive Ductal Carcinoma (IDC): The most prevalent type of breast cancer, IDC originates in the milk ducts and spreads to nearby breast tissue. If left untreated, it can spread to other organs.
  3. Ductal Carcinoma in Situ (DCIS): This is a noninvasive condition where cancer cells are confined to the breast ducts without invading surrounding tissue.
  4. Lobular Carcinoma in Situ (LCIS): Cancer develops in the milk-producing glands of the breast, but like DCIS, it remains within its original location without spreading to surrounding tissue.

Less common types include:

  1. Phyllodes Tumor: A rare tumor growing in the breast's connective tissue, most often normal but can be cancerous.
  2. Angiosarcoma: A less common Cancerous growth on blood vessels or lymph vessels within the breast.
  3. Paget Disease of the Nipple: This happens at the beginning in the ducts of the nipple, it gradually affects the nipple skin and areola.


  1. Changes in breast size, shape, and color depending on the complexion of the skin.
  2. Presence of a thickening or lump, which can be as small as a peanut.
  3. Persistent lump or thickening in or around the breast or underarm, unaffected by menstrual cycles.
  4. Alterations in skin appearance or texture on the breast or nipple, such as dimpling, wrinkling, inflammation, or changes in color.
  5. Hardened, rock-like area under the skin.
  6. Discharge from the nipple, can be milk with blood-stained or clear.
  7. Pain in the breast and surrounding areas like underarms.

Causes/ Risk factors for breast cancer include:

  1. Family history of breast cancer or related diseases, either through relatives or personal history.
  2. Early onset of menstruation may contribute to risk.
  3. Excessive alcohol consumption.
  4. Giving birth at an older age or never having been pregnant.
  5. Obesity.
  6. Previous radiation therapy.

Diagnostic procedure:

Breast cancer screening means checking a woman’s breasts for cancer prior to occurrence of any signs or symptoms of the disease. All women need to be informed by their doctor about the best screening options for them. After you are informed about the benefits and risks of screening and choose together with your doctor whether screening is right for you—and if so, when to have it—this is known as informed and shared decision-making.

Although Breast cancer screening in Hyderabad cannot stop breast cancer, it can offer help in detecting the breast cancer at the earliest, when it is easier to treat. Converse with your doctor about which breast cancer screening tests are right for you, and when you ought to have them.

There are a few ways doctors can find breast cancer in Best breast cancer screening center in Bandlaguda.

  1. Clinical breast exam: Your specialist will check your whole breast, underarm, and collarbone zone. They will also check the lymph hubs near your breast to see if they are enlarged.
  1. Mammogram: Mammograms can show a breast lump before it can be felt by a patient or doctor. They can also show precancerous cells or other conditions. Women must get regular screening mammograms to identify breast cancer early when treatments have the best chance of a cure.
  2. Other imaging tests: If a mammogram or clinical breast exam finds an unusual area, the doctor may order other imaging tests like an ultrasound or MRI (magnetic resonance imaging).
  3. Center biopsy: A radiology doctor or specialist may eliminate a small amount of tissue from an abnormal area of your breast to look for cancer cells.

Why is it so necessary to get regular breast exams?

It’s imperative to get regular breast exams since early detection is your best chance to find cancer in the early stages. Breast cancer that's found early is easier to treat effectively.

For more details, consult Dr. Jyosthna Elagandula, one of the leading Medical oncologist in Hyderabad